Thursday, May 10, 2007

A bit of good news

Once again, I apologize for the lack of recent posting activity. I do have a few items I want to write about; hopefully I'll do that over the next few days. In the meantime, I wanted to pass along this bit of good news.

You might remember that Lori was laid off from her job right after the new year began. As I noted at the time, it was probably for the best: she really didn't like that job or several of the people that she worked with, and she probably could have used some time off. Lori has spent the last four months enjoying some well-needed relaxation, working on the house and focusing on her wine-tasting business.

However, neither her wine tasting business nor her unemployment benefits replaced the salary of a full-time job, and so we were both relieved when she finally found new employment. As of last Monday, she is now a research assistant for the Texas Transportation Institute.

She's done work for them in the past, so she knows what to expect from this job. The research-oriented work she'll be doing there will be more varied and intellectually-stimulating than what she did at her last job. TTI's academic schedule - it is affiliated with Texas A&M University - means that she'll get a holidays every year that most people don't get, like a few days off for spring break or an entire week off between Christmas and New Years. Her commute will be shorter than it was for her old job. The benefits are acceptable and the pay is decent.

She's only been at this new job for a week, and it will obviously take time for her to get settled in and discover just how good of a fit the job actually is for her. But so far, things are looking like they worked out well: she's found a new job that clearly appears to be better than her previous one, and we have two solid incomes once again.

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