Monday, September 15, 2008

I survived Ike

Just a quick post to let everyone know that we survived the storm: no injuries, and no structural damage to house or cars. No electricity, either, and it will probably remain that way for a few days. My neighborhood got hit pretty good, and tree limbs and downed power lines are everywhere.

We are doing well with supplies: plenty of food and water, and a FEMA distribution point for ice is very close to our house. Mother nature obviously feels guilty about the damage wrought by Ike, because the weather we're getting today is amazingly mild and comfortable. We'll be okay.

I will provide a full report of the storm and upload pictures when I am able to do so.


  1. Glad to know you are o.k.! Take care.

  2. Thanks for your thoughts and concern, Todd. We still don't have electricity as of this evening, but we're otherwise holding up well.
