Thursday, March 08, 2007

Cool skyscaper poster

I came across this on HAIF and thought it was pretty cool: a 40" x 20" poster of 33 of the world's most notable skycrapers (you can see a larger view here). Maybe I'll buy a copy. (Or maybe I should wait a few years, after these buildings are finished and the poster is updated...)

It features 33 of the world's tallest and most famous skyscrapers, including the Empire State Building, the Sears Tower, the Petronas Towers, Taipei 101 (currently the world's tallest), and even the Burj al Arab (on the very left). Houston is represented by two buildings on this poster: the red gothic Bank of America Center and the turquoise Wells Fargo Plaza. (And I can't help but point out that Dallas doesn't have any of its skyscrapers represented on this poster. Ha, ha!)

Anyway, there's a lot of fun skyscraper-related images and data on on SkyscraperPage, including a diagrams of the tallest existing buildings in the world, the tallest buildings in Houston, the tallest buildings in Dubai, even a diagram of the world's tallest churches. Check it out when you have a few extra minutes.

1 comment:

  1. Couldn't they at least call it the "Austinian?"
